Youth Mentor &
Rite of Passage Guide

Jackson Maloney is a youth mentor, rite of passage guide, poet, musician, and singer/songwriter based in Boulder County. He is passionate about helping teenage boys find purpose, meaning, beauty, and connection in their lives. Read more about his story here.

My Philosophy

Every human being possesses innate wisdom, knowledge, and gifts meant for sharing with the world. The adolescent stage of life is a pivotal, transitional moment where these intrinsic qualities are activating physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through the physiological change of puberty and the psychological shift into adulthood. This maturation process is greatly aided by guidance from elders, mentors, auntie/uncle figures, family and other community members who have crossed this threshold themselves. 

With the right environment, encouragement, and opportunities, these innate abilities and qualities can find their proper expression in the world, and young people can successfully transition into the realm of adulthood. The role of the mentor in this process is to see the inherent potential housed in the adolescent child and help wake that up. An adolescent or young adult who awakens and nurtures this potential, embraces their unique set of challenges and blessings, and chooses to live with an open orientation to life is someone who is firmly and fully standing on the earth. 


Jackson is center ground in a destabilizing world. He embodies a soulful, heart-centered, masculine presence that supports my son's free expression and exploration of his many dynamic parts. Having done personal growth work at a young age, Jackson brings wisdom, perspective and relatable experience that lands as relevant to teens. I deeply believe in the role of the mentor in teens' lives and am extraordinarily grateful Jackson is holding space for my son's unfolding in places where I, as a parent, am limited.
Osha Waters (Parent)

Working with Jackson is so much fun. He is such a good listener. I value his opinion and he doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable talking to him. We have lots of fun. I love his personality and he is just a joy to be around. He has helped me see the good in a tough situation and I have grown as a person being with him.
Wilder (Teen)